Sunday 16 June 2024

Ice Cream Shaker Card

Every July (on a certain day) my Grandpa would take my Mom to the Soda Shop in their little town for an Ice Cream Sundae. She continued the tradition with my brother and I even once we were living on our own!  When my Dad could no longer drive, we would make sure my Mom got her ice cream sundae on that day. Now that she is in heaven, we keep that tradition going with our children and grandchildren. It's a happy way to honour her memory!  I also send them an ice-cream themed card.

Today I'm sharing the first ice cream card that I'll be sending this year and I couldn't resist making this one a shaker card. Or Faux Shaker.  Or Edge to Edge Shaker.  Or one of the other names these go by 😂.  

I cut the patterned paper to 4 x 5.25" and cut a piece of transparency 5 x 6.25" (1" bigger all around). Scoring the transparency to fit around the decorated piece of patterned paper, I mitred the corners and attached it to the back of the patterned paper on 3 sides. After pouring in the sequins on the front side, I attached that one transparency edge on the back and my 'faux shaker was finished. The ice cream element, gem stickers & word die were added on top of the transparency and the whole piece was adhered to the front of my card.

Inside I added some scalloped circles, die cut phrase and gem stickers - which were attached with a folded paper spring.

Supplies used:
Patterned paper - Neapolitan, Dear Lizzy (old)
Peel Off gem stickers - Dazzles
Sequins - Stash
Scallop Stitched Nesting Circle dies - Tutti Designs
Blending Brushes - Taylored Expessions
Washi Tape - possibility Doodlebug Designs
Big Scripty Words - Lawn Fawn
Rainbow patterned paper - JJ's Rainbows, Waffle Flower
YAY die - the Stamps of Life
Mini Alpha & Numbers - Karen Burniston


  1. Is it that time already, what a wonderful tradition

  2. Always look forward to seeing your annual ice cream cards!


Thanks for taking the time to comment - I appreciate each one!